Discover the Malagasy « Wild silk » and

Naturalist walk on Tapia forest


Amoron’i Mania region, in Malagasy Hauts-plateaux, populated by  Betsileo, is mountainous and rural, with its characteristic stones,  beautiful terraced rice fields landscapes offering a marvellous green harmony, a traditional architecture and stalked roof.

 Ny Tanintsika with local communities living bordering of the Tapia forest created the Road of Silk circuit in order to conserve the forest and to promote the silk sector too.


  • Visit of the unique forest :The Tapia forest in Faliarivo

The visit let to discover all different stages of wild silk weaving from the wild silkworm (scientific name Borocera cajani) to the wild silk weaving, to observe an unique ecosystem and the species reproduction techniques.

The Tapia (Uapaca Bojeri) is the wild silkworm main foods. The wild silkworm and Tapia are both endemic species. Tapia Forest shelters also different wealth as orchards, mushrooms, medicinal and tinctorial plants. Faliarivo Tapia forest is managed by the local community called  Maitsovolo.

  • Soatanana, the village of malagasy traditional wild silk

Soatanana is the weavers’village. Here, travellers discover all stages of silk transformation process, from the raw materials (cocoon) till the finished product through the cooking, the spinning, dyeing and the weaving.

Soatanana village is located in 40 km from Ambositra town, heart of malagasy handcraft specialised in marquetry. It’s an ideal step between Antsirabe and Fianarantsoa, on the RN7 (the main road from Antananarivo to Tulear)

The first village habitants and promoters were the Merina (people from Antananarivo) who looked a welcoming place to live. That’s why the village is called Soatanana or  “the Beautiful village”. They bring with them the traditional wild silk weaving. Since, Soatanana has become a specialised village on traditional wild silk weaving (the Landibe); tradition often continued by the women in Soatanana and carried generation from generation.

Malagasy meals cooked by the women in Soatanana and served in traditional house in the village follow the visit.



We wish that the ecotourism in Soatanana will be a pleasure and precious experiences for our visitors and host.  The qualities of our offer and visitors complacency are the most essential for us. We prefer to privilege quality ecotourism, respectful for each other, for environment and people.

In consequence, we wish that our partners understand and join our values which are Fair and solidary Tourism value

  • Respectful for the habitants, and ecotourists visitors and hosts…
  • Respectful of environment and nature
  • Permitting population concerned in ecotouristic activities to get other revenu to their traditional activities revenu
  • Permetting all population to benefit on the ecotourism activities thank to social micro projects funds answering their needs.

Ecotouristique development needed is in priori qualitative (The ecotourists complacency is essential than the quantity, in order to avoid all problems and dangers in mass tourism). In this case, the association reserve to regulate the touristique attendance and the total capacity in accommodation offers.