Most primary school teachers in the Ifanadiana district are not officials of the Malagasy State. There are the associations of parents that support their salary. Called « Teachers FRAM » « or alternates (FRAM means Association of parents). The devaluation of supply teaching profession is often found, to the extent these teachers are desperately short of training, are underpaid and work in very poor conditions. To support their families, these teachers have no choice but to have other income generating activities.
This issue obviously affects the quality of education in Madagascar, especially in rural areas. For not only the teacher absence rate, but parents also have trouble paying the costs associated with the education of their children.
Ny Tanintsika attaches great importance to the education of children. Since 2005, this project aims to improve the quality of courses taught by these teachers and to increase the attendance rate of students in their classes. The project operates in the town of Ranomafana district Ifanadiana or two EPP Menarano Torotosy and are currently the beneficiaries.
This support is to subsidise the salaries of teachers to focus only on their missions and ultimately reduce absenteeism. A teaching monitoring system is in place to empower parents of pupils in monitoring the education of their children.
For Ny Tanintsika, true education is not limited only to provide knowledge but also must give children the ability to evolve and learn to manage their environment. For this, we work in raising awareness of teachers and students in forest conservation and helping to create nurseries for reforestation and forest restoration.