In 2009, Ny Tanintsika started a drinking water supply program through the establishment of boreholes and hand pumps, mostly manufactured in Madagascar. Ny Tanintsika currently has three drilling teams formed by the PRACTICA Foundation technology « Rotasludge » and « Rotary jetting » which are drilling techniques to human driving force.
Drilling is carried out in schools and in the Basic Health Centres (bush hospitals) so that everyone can benefit from drinking water without property disputes… Rural people have a water source nearby and can devote more time to farming activities, these holes greatly facilitate household chores and children, like their parents, can wash their hands more easily and thus reduce the risk of disease.
Sensitisation of the WASH messages (Water Sanitation Hygiene) are performed at all beneficiaries, households, students and teachers, to maximise the impact of our intervention. Awareness is more specifically about hand washing with soap, toilet use and consumption of drinking water.
Various sustainability strategies of these infrastructures are adopted. First, villagers repairers are set up in the villages, and are trained on the maintenance of the pump. For effective community management of the infrastructure, the villagers are supported for creating, training and operationalisation of a waterhole association. Local authorities are also involved in the management and maintenance of water points within the framework of the implementation of the Water Code in Madagascar. For example, they conduct periodic monitoring of each drill to ensure good governance and the sustainability of the infrastructure.
As of April 2016, Ny Tanintsika has installed 134 wells in 5 regions of Madagascar which Alaotra Mangoro, Itasy, Vatovavy Fitovinany, Vakinankaratra and Haute Matsiatra. That’s over 22,000 people from 16 towns and more than 6500 students from 25 schools (EPP, CEG and high school) who enjoy the benefits of access to clean water.