Cyclone Batsirai swept out of Madagascar

Cyclone Batsirai swept out of Madagascar on Monday after killing many people, displacing nearly 65,000 people and devastating the drought-hit island’s agricultural heartland.

It plowed right through Ny Tanintsika’s project areas causing huge damage and suffering; sadly along with the loss of lives.

Miarinarivo High school, Ambalavao

Many of the victims were children, which make up more than 50 percent of the country’s population. In Vohipeno, a village near the coast people are sleeping along the side of the road because their houses are under the water.

Vohipeno village

Several schools are destroyed and nearly thousands kids are deprived of school. Many health centres were  destroyed or damaged beyond use,  which is worrying as diarrhoeal diseases are  feared at this time due to the inaccessibility to clean drinking water.

Angalampona private school, Miarinarivo Ambalavao

Unfathomable flooding has caused 85% of crops and livestock to be washed away. 

The cyclone obstructed the island’s main road linking the island’s north and south, making it difficult to provide access and reinforcements to villages.

The impact of the cyclone does not end today, it will last for several months, particularly in the hunger and disease that is expected to follow.

Vohipeno village
Lokomby village, Manakara

 Ny Tanintsika are now searching for collaboration and aid in order to support our communities. We will continue to empower them to have resilience since With Madagascar being one the most vulnerable countries to climate change, we hope to continue to empower our communities to become more resilient and support the environment

URGENT HELP NEEDED: Cyclone Batsirai tore through our project areas, the communities we support, and the forest we protect.

Please donate today!

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