Gender-based violence is most visible, for girls, in the form of harassment (physical/sexual/verbal) in market-places/traditional-social events & schools, through arranged marriage, parents prostituting them to visitors, lack of information & access to family planning. Particularly in Tolongoina area, girl pupil numbers are lower due to underage pregnancy/marriage & parental attitudes. Parents are often happy for their daughter to get married even if underage, with dowry of great importance.

Women suffer from domestic violence, rape, controls on their movement, poor quality meals (culture of self-sacrifice, prioritising men), and a customary lack of access to inheritance. Often violence is tolerated due to economic dependence on their husband & the fear of losing rights to the children (patriarchal culture=. The societal importance of ‘tolerance’ is notable.

© Ny Tanintsika

The Ambohimahamasina area suffers acutely from alcohol abuse. The sexual harassment (including rape) of women and girls is particularly serious on market days and worsening, including the use of sticks to lift skirts, the tugging of clothing and verbal abuse. Likewise, this phenomenon is commonplace throughout the cultural practice of ‘lanonana’ or ‘kridy’ (traditional celebrations in the period after rice harvest). Underage pregnancy is the norm.

This situation has arisen from a lack of information and cultural norms including a taboo of discussion of such topics. Women & young people lack mechanisms to express themselves Another problem is the under-reporting of incidents & hence the lack of information at regional level e.g. The Haute Matsiatra Regional Directorate of Population registering just 26 cases of under-age marriage, 18 cases of under-age pregnancy & 70 cases of under-age sexual violence between 2017-2019 throughout the region)

© Ny Tanintsika

Funded by FCIL, the goal of the project is to empower girls and women, and to educate boys and men, so as to change the social ‘norm’ with regards to violence and the treatment of women – so that they can express themselves and are listened to and respected in society.

 This project will be implemented in Ambohimahamasina, Ambalavao district Haute Matsiatra Region and in Tolongoina, Ikongo district, Vatovavy Ftovinany region

The 2 target areas present different socio-economic & cultural contexts but with parallels in that they are more ‘developed’ rural municipalities where there is a high flux of visitors passing through, and where non-respect of women’s rights is evident.

Tolongoina has an electricity system in its central area & large population of settlers from other areas. Non-respect of women’s rights is manifested through, amongst others, customs relating to inheritance, education, violence and early marriage. This area is also characterised by high rates of public lynching.

© Ny Tanintsika

The primary beneficiary are the women and girls of the target areas, numbering over 27,000. In particular, girls over the age of 11 will benefit – estimated at roughly 15,000 people (since around 54% or 24,576 of the population are aged 15-64 years old).

Students from primary, secondary & high schools will also benefit. Indirectly, all the population of the 2 target municipalities (Ambohimahamasina & Tolongoina) will benefit, numbering 54,613.

Numerous stakeholders will collaborate through this project, including authorities, church leaders & journalists.