Cyclone Relief – supporting our communities

Classé dans : développement, Education, health, lemurs | 0
People from Ambinanitromby village receiving their emergency kits

We are working hard to offer cyclone relief in the hardest hit area.

Emergency kits contain food, seeds, clothing, and necessary household equipment was delivered for over 6000 people Ankarimbelo and Ambinanitromby. The roads are not yet accessible so these kits have been transported by foot for over a day through the forest to reach these villages.

People from Ankarimbelo

We also provided 80 wheelbarrows, shades and shovels to the community in Miarinarivo in order to help them to fix their damage roads and rice filed that were changed dramatically by the floods from cyclone Batsirai and Emnati.

Mianarinarivo community

In Ifanirea, one of the villages we work in, the health center is destroyed and not usable, with the collaboration of UNICEF we were able to donate a tent to be used as a temporary health center with medicines and equipment. 

tent for Ifanirea temporary health centre

These villages are one of the hundreds we have yet to help. That’s why we are now searching for collaboration and aid in order to support our communities. We will continue to empower them to have resilience since Madagascar being one the most vulnerable countries to climate change, we hope to continue to empower our communities to become more resilient and support the environment

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