We started very small – just the board of administrators composing 4 people and an executive team of 3 people with goodwill and determination to contribute to poverty reduction and strengthen the conservation of natural forests in Madagascar.

This team has not ceased to grow and Ny Tanintsika’s activities expand. However, our fundamental values remain unchanged and our resolve to contribution to Madagascar’s equitable and ecological development stays firm.

Our integrated approach emphasises the relationship between health, economy, the environment and citizen participation.

We promote the self-development of target populations whilst providing necessary support to them.

We work in multiple sectors – social (health and education), environment (conservation and natural resource management, forest restoration and rehabilitation), local economy (promoting environmentally-friendly income generation activities) and capacity-building on management, organization and commercialization.

Today, Ny Tanintsika relies on a team of more than 150 employees, committed to working with managers, NGOs and communities to implement our mission.

We recognised the inter- relationship between poverty, environmental degradation and poor health, and believe that complex problems can only be solved by multi-faceted solutions.