Madagascar is facing the world’s first famine caused by climate change. The country experiences its worst drought in 40 years. The extreme south of Madagascar is in a particularly critical situation, because of the drought which has been a major problem for years. 93.5% of people in this region are farmers but they have always suffered from food shortages.
Ambovombe, in Androy region is the most affected by famine for a few years ago. Since last year, the situation has only worsened. Most households sold their livestock or land at very low prices to support themselves, a household has up to ten members.
The drought in Madagascar has also dried up the water sources in the southern region. Currently, the population of Ambovombe is looking for water from 15 to 20 km away. It takes more than 7 to 8 hours of walking. Most households cannot fetch water so they have to buy it at $2 per 20 liter can.
Almost of kids in this area do not go to school due to famine and their parents pushed them to earn money to support the family.
With Global Giving support, we have been feeding all pre-school and primary school children in 3 schools: Tsirangoty-Esalo-Ankilifatsy in Ambovombe since april 2022 through school canteen project. 880 kids eating a nutritious hot lunch every school day. Also we are promoting hand washing and provided soap and water.
Even though we have provided lunch for these students through the school canteen, our available resources can only cover their needs until December 2022 and cannot cover the needs until the end of school year in June 2023. Providing lunch is not only about food but also water and firewood for cooking because the situation of parents cannot afford it.
The situation has become precarious since September because it is the beginning of the lean season but also the start of the school year in Madagascar. Because of school canteen parents pushed their children to go to school. Also, they send to school, the little children who are not yet go to school to have lunch with their big brother or sister during the lunch time. For vulnerable family, school canteen is the way for children to get meal in the day.
Thanks to this school feeding project, the enrolment is increased in these three schools in Ambovombe. Unfortunately, these students do not have school supplies, and school don’t have any equipment like table nor benches and the children sit on the ground.
Providing a daily meal at school helps to restore both the nutrition, education and rights of these children. Equipping school with furniture improve the quality of the education and motivate children and teachers. School feeding contribute to reduce the impact of drought in the south of Madagascar. This project will improve the quality of the education and the school results first and second to increase the numbers of children receiving primary education, especially the most vulnerable.
We are now seeking funds $50,000 to extend this feeding program and reaching around 1000 children at least until the end of school year in july 2023, ideally for longer with a cost of $0.80 per child per day and $25 for school bench table for 4 students. More donations will enable us to continue feeding.
We will be successful if all children are literate, have foods every day in day class and work with communities to build resilience.
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