Ecotourism is a powerful tool for both conserving and valuing nature, all the whilst preserving the social and cultural values ​​of the local population. Ny Tanintsika supports communities in their efforts to achieve a responsible and fair ecotourism that values solidarity, be it in the Tapia forest Amoron’i Mania or around the newly protected COFAV area in Ambohimahamasina.

Community-based ecotourism combines both environmental protection and local development. In order to generate income for local communities and encourage them to conserve this capital, Ny Tanintsika provides support to these communities in carrying out the complex task of successfully setting up these ecotourism activities. We aim to improve information in reception areas, accommodation, catering and other services offered to attract customers and encourage them to return.

Crafts and ecotourism go hand in hand. The silk production promotes the conservation of Tapia forests and basketry is linked to culture rushes. Handicraft and cultural tours like « the Silk Road » in Soatanana and the promotion of basketry in Ambohimahamasina have been developed. The circuits offer trekking opportunities in the forest to see the region’s magnificent flora and fauna, with the opportunity to experience living the daily life of rural families.

In addition to the sale of handicrafts, ecotourism is a financial blessing, and creates jobs for the population, particularly in guiding, catering and hospitality.